Best Quotes by Alexander Hamilton (Top 10)

  1. Give all the power to the many, they will oppress the few. Give all the power to the few, they will oppress the many.
  2. Men give me credit for some genius. All the genius I have lies in this; when I have a subject in hand, I study it profoundly. Day and night it is before me. My mind becomes pervaded with it. Then the effort that I have made is what people are pleased to call the fruit of genius. It is the fruit of labor and thought.
  3. A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one.
  4. There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.
  5. Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
  6. There are seasons in every country when noise and impudence pass current for worth; and in popular commotions especially, the clamors of interested and factious men are often mistaken for patriotism.
  7. A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.
  8. It's not tyranny we desire; it's a just, limited, federal government.
  9. It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.
  10. The art of reading is to skip judiciously.

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