Best Quotes by Brad Bird (Top 7)

  1. And it's not only films, I'm pretty unaware of anything that's going on in popular culture right now.
  2. I got my heroes secondhand, from television and movies, to a certain extent.
  3. Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one.
  4. I had about the biggest, longest wish list anyone could have, and 99 percent of what I wanted to get on the screen we got on the screen within our schedule and within our budget and within our resources.
  5. But I don't just see the movie when I see the movie, I see all the great people who worked on it and all their hard work, because they could not have worked any harder.
  6. You're buying for the benefit of the cottage experience at a fraction of the price.
  7. Even in hand drawn animation, humans are widely considered to be the most difficult to execute, because everybody has a feeling for how they move.