Best Quotes by Charles de Leusse (Top 10)

  1. When the owl sings, the night is silent. (Quand le hibou chante, La nuit est silence)
  2. Death lasts only a moment, but we think about it every moment. (La mort ne dure qu'un instant, - Mais on y pense chaque instant)
  3. The autumn leaf falls faster than the trees grow faster. (La feuille d'automne descend plus vite - Que les arbres ne grandissent plus vite.)
  4. The writer dreams awake. The killer nightmares awake. (L’écrivain rêve éveillé. - Le tueur cauchemarde éveillé)
  5. Everyone can get the gold of the Sun. (Tout le monde cueille - L'or du soleil)
  6. Before falling to the ground, the rain has touched the sky. (Avant de tomber au sol, La pluie a touché le ciel)
  7. In the desert of the heart, tears do not touch the ground. (Dans le désert du coeur, - Les larmes ne touchent la terre.)
  8. The dark clouds make the black sea. (Les nuages noirs - Font la mer noire)
  9. Above the sky, everything is beautiful, but alone. (Au-dessus du ciel, - Tout est beau, mais seul)
  10. We do not counterfeit his own signature, but his nature. (On ne contrefait sa propre - Signature, mais sa nature.)

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