Best Quotes by Charles de Montesquieu (Top 10)

  1. To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.
  2. The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy.
  3. False happiness renders men stern and proud, and that happiness is never communicated. True happiness renders them kind and sensible, and that happiness is always shared.
  4. Talent is a gift which God has given us secretly, and which we reveal without perceiving it.
  5. There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
  6. An author is a fool who, not content with boring those he lives with, insists on boring future generations.
  7. No kingdom has shed more blood than the kingdom of Christ.
  8. Luxury ruins republics; poverty, monarchies.
  9. The severity of the laws prevents their execution.
  10. If we only wanted to be happy, it would be easy; but we want to be happier than other people, and that is almost always difficult, since we think them happier than they are.