Best Quotes by Cornel West (Top 10)

  1. We have to recognise that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence.
  2. Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public
  3. You can't lead the people if you don't love the people. You can't save the people if you don't serve the people.
  4. The country is in deep trouble. We've forgotten that a rich life consists fundamentally of serving others, trying to leave the world a little better than you found it. We need the courage to question the powers that be, the courage to be impatient with evil and patient with people, the courage to fight for social justice. In many instances we will be stepping out on nothing, and just hoping to land on something. But that's the struggle. To live is to wrestle with despair, yet never allow despair to have the last word.
  5. Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it. In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.
  6. You have to have a habitual vision of greatness ... you have to believe in fact that you will refuse to settle for mediocrity. You won't confuse your financial security with your personal integrity, you won't confuse your success with your greatness or your prosperity with your magnanimity ... believe in fact that living is connected to giving.
  7. None of us alone can save the nation or the world. But each of us can make a positive difference if we commit ourselves to do so. (p. 109)
  8. Too many young folk have addiction to superficial things and not enough conviction for substantial things like justice, truth and love.
  9. To be a Christian is to live dangerously, honestly, freely - to step in the name of love as if you may land on nothing, yet to keep on stepping because the something that sustains you no empire can give you and no empire can take away.
  10. You must let suffering speak, if you want to hear the truth

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