Best Quotes by David Nicholls (Top 10)

  1. This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today.
  2. Just kidding' was exactly what people wrote when they meant every word.
  3. You can live your whole life not realizing that what you're looking for is right in front of you.
  4. Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today; and I'll always remember it
  5. If you have to keep a secret it's because you shouldn't be doing it in the first place
  6. Cherish your friends, stay true to your principles, live passionately and fully and well. Experience new things. Love and be loved, if you ever get the chance
  7. She drinks pints of coffee and writes little observations and ideas for stories with her best fountain pen on the linen-white pages of expensive notebooks. Sometimes, when it's going badly, she wonders if what she believes to be a love of the written word is really just a fetish for stationery.
  8. I love him, she thought. I'm just not in love with him and also I don't love him. I've tried, I've strained to love him but I can't. I am building a life with a man I don't love, and I don't know what to do about it.
  9. And it was at moments like this that she had to remind herself that she was in love with him, or had once been in love with him, a long time ago.
  10. In eight years not a day has gone by when she hasn’t thought of him. She misses him and she wants him back. I want my best friend back, she thinks, because without him nothing is good and nothing is right.

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