Best Quotes by Elizabeth Hurley (Top 7)

  1. Nothing irritates me more than chronic laziness in others. Mind you, it's only mental sloth I object to. Physical sloth can be heavenly.
  2. I'd kill myself if I was as fat as Marilyn Monroe.
  3. I love glamorous women. Hugh adores glamour, as well. Im completely behind women dressing up and looking as good as they can.
  4. During production, I didn't ever have one minute off to go file my nails, or do anything which girls quite like to do some of the time. I couldn't do anything. I turned into a zombie.
  5. Hugh Grant and I both laugh and cringe at the same things, worship the same books, eat the same food, hate central heating and sleep with the window open. I thought these things were vital, but being two peas in a pod ended up not being enough.
  6. I've always wanted to be a spy, and frankly I'm a little surprised that British intelligence has never approached me.
  7. I would seriously question whether anybody is really foolish enough to really say what they mean. Sometimes I think that civilization as we know it would kind of break down if we all were completely honest.