Best Quotes by Felix Adler (Top 10)

  1. The freedom of thought is a sacred right of every individual man, and diversity will continue to increase with the progress, refinement, and differentiation of the human intellect.
  2. The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by.
  3. Every dogma, every philosophic or theological creed, was at its inception a statement in terms of the intellect of a certain inner experience.
  4. The family is the school of duties - founded on love.
  5. An optimist is a person who sees only the lights in the picture, whereas a pessimist sees only the shadows. An idealist, however, is one who sees the light and the shadows, but in addition sees something else: the possibility of changing the picture, of making the lights prevail over the shadows.
  6. The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by. The saint is the man who walks through the dark paths of the world, himself a light.
  7. Act so as to elicit the best in others and thereby in thyself.
  8. Ethical religion can be real only to those who are engaged in ceaseless efforts at moral improvement. By moving upward we acquire faith in an upward movement, without limit.
  9. Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched by the other.
  10. To care for anyone else enough to make their problems one's own, is ever the beginning of one's real ethical development.

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