Best Quotes by James Howe (Top 10)

  1. Life is short and there will always be dirty dishes, so let's dance.
  2. Another Thing I'm Sick of Hearing: If I started that gay rights group, I must be gay. So if i start an animal rights group, what does that make me? A giraffe?
  3. I hated that the soldier doll had my name. I mean, please. I didn't play with him much. He was another Christmas present from my clueless grandparents. One time when they were visiting, my grandpa asked me if G.I. Joe had been in any wars lately. I said, "No, but he and Ken got married last week." Every Christmas since then, my grandparents have sent me a check.
  4. [Button] If Gay and Lesbian people are given civil rights, soon everyone will want them
  5. Sticks and stones may break our bones, but names will break our spirit.
  6. Another thing I think about names is that they DO hurt. They hurt because we believe them. We think they are telling us something true about ourselves, something other people can see even if we don't. "ツ韮obby Goodspeed
  7. A day can start out ordinary and end up being in the top ten. "ツ寧oe Bunch
  8. Banning books is just another form of bullying. It's all about fear and an assumption of power. The key is to address the fear and deny the power.
  9. Sometimes kids just act impulsively, but it's because we have strong feelings, not because we're trying to make trouble.
  10. So, this is a rabbit, I thought. He sort of looks like Chester, only he's got longer ears and a shorter tail. And a motor in his nose.

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