Best Quotes by Jan Karon (Top 10)

  1. Lord, make me a blessing to someone today
  2. One of the things that makes a dead leaf fall to the ground is the bud of the new leaf that pushes it off the limb.
  3. I'd like you to know that I have forgiven him. Again and again. Once done, course, back comes the Enemy to persecute and persecute, and I must ante up to God and forgive yet again.
  4. The firefly only shines when on the wing, So it is with us—when we stop, we darken.
  5. Easter is never deserved.
  6. In World War One, they called it shell shock. Second time around, they called it battle fatigue. After 'Nam, it was post-traumatic stress disorder.
  7. Are you reading your Bible?" Ah, well...I was." And then you quit." You got it." Then, you can expect to be weak on one of your flanks, and that's precisely where the Enemy will come after you with a vengeance.
  8. Phillipians 4:13 for Pete's sake!
  9. There may be circumstances in this life that God uses to keep bringing us back to Him, looking for His grace.
  10. Loving can be hard. Sometimes we don't feel loving, but it isn't all about feeling. Very often it is about will. Practice that if you can.

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