Best Quotes by Loretta Young (Top 10)

  1. Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you.
  2. A charming woman... doesn't follow the crowd. She is herself.
  3. Nearly everyone I met, worked with, or read about was my teacher, one way or another.
  4. Just because you want to be glamorous, don't be a sheep about your eye makeup.
  5. There are no ugly ducklings.
  6. A face is like the outside of a house, and most faces, like most houses, give us an idea of what we can expect to find inside.
  7. Fashion should not be expected to serve in the stead of courage or character.
  8. I believe that prayer is our powerful contact with the greatest force in the universe.
  9. If you have enthusiasm, you have a very dynamic, effective companion to travel with you on the road to Somewhere.
  10. Like charity, I believe glamour should begin at home.

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