Best Quotes by Margery Allingham (Top 10)

  1. Mourning is not forgetting... It is an undoing. Every minute tie has to be untied and something permanent and valuable recovered and assimilated from the dust.
  2. I believe that an author who cannot control her characters is, like a mother who cannot control her children, not really fit to look after them.
  3. Waiting is one of the great arts.
  4. If one cannot command attention by one's admirable qualities one can at least be a nuisance.
  5. The process of elimination, combined with a modicum of common sense, will always assist us to arrive at the correct conclusion with the maximum of possible accuracy and the minimum of hard labor. Which being translated means: I guessed it.
  6. There are, fortunately, very few people who can say that they have actually attended a murder.
  7. I am one of those people who are blessed, or cursed, with a nature which has to interfere. If I see a thing that needs doing I do it.
  8. He did not arrive at this conclusion by the decent process of quiet, logical deduction, nor yet by the blinding flash of glorious intuition, but by the shoddy, untidy process halfway between the two by which one usually gets to know things.
  9. When one kicks over a tea table and smashes everything but the sugar bowl, one may as well pick that up and drop it on the bricks, don't you think?
  10. But there are roughly two sorts of informed people, aren't there? People who start off right by observing the pitfalls and mistakes and going round them, and the people who fall into them and get out and know they're there because of that. They both come to the same conclusions but they don't have quite the same point of view.

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