Best Quotes by Nicolas Sarkozy (Top 7)

  1. What is dangerous is not minarets, but basements and garages that hide clandestine places of worship. Thus we must choose between mosques, where we know that the rules of the republic are respected, and secret places where extremism has been developing for too long,.
  2. We must defend freedom of expression and if I had to chose, I prefer the excess of caricature over the excess of censure.
  3. We are all hoping that he will recover his legendary vitality as quickly as possible, ... Chi-rac! Chi-rac!
  4. Each time there is a news story, sometimes that gives ideas to people who then turn into criminals.
  5. I am deeply worried because we are seeing an unleashing of violence by 2,000 to 3,000 thugs who come to smash and loot. My objective is to avoid mistakes by the police, so that people can protest in safety.
  6. Europe is right to tell us to reduce this [France's budget] deficit and spend less. Europe is right to demand this of us but cannot at the same time demand us to increase our dues.
  7. Nothing - I mean nothing - and no-one - I mean no-one - will stop me going through to the end, and trying to be ready for the challenge of 2007.