Best Quotes by Beverley Nichols (Top 10)

  1. Marriage - a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters in prose.
  2. Let us be honest: most of us rather like our cats to have a streak of wickedness. I should not feel quite easy in the company of any cat that walked around the house with a saintly expression.
  3. Long experience has taught me that people who do not like geraniums have something morally unsound about them. Sooner or later you will find them out; you will discover that they drink, or steal books, or speak sharply to cats. Never trust a man or a woman who is not passionately devoted to geraniums.
  4. We both know, you and I, that if all men were gardeners, the world at last would be at peace.
  5. A garden without cats, it will be generally agreed, can scarcely deserve to be called a garden at all...much of the magic of the heather beds would vanish if, as we bent over them, there was no chance that we might hear a faint rustle among the blossoms, and find ourselves staring into a pair of sleepy green eyes.
  6. To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.
  7. Do you ever find yourself bursting into a sort of lunatic laughter at the sheer prettiness of things?
  8. To dig one's own spade into one's own earth! Has life anything better to offer than this?
  9. Well, I love geraniums, and anybody who does not love geraniums must obviously be a depraved and loathsome person.
  10. The Oldfields of the future are beyond hearing; they are shut up in the factories and the workshops, leading a rackety and mechanical existence, to the damage of their bodies and the peril of their souls, for the sake of an extra pound or so a week, which they promptly spend on mental or physical narcotics.