Best Quotes by Don Bluth (Top 8)

  1. Shelf-life for a regular video game usually is about three to five years, and that's it.
  2. You've got to be able to make animation for much less... Less is not the studio's way.
  3. Basically the children who watch it just see the little characters they love, and so they're not discerning about whether it looks great or it's a great story or anything.
  4. I prefer that animation reach into places where live action doesn't go, and it seems like all of animation nowadays is trying to go where live action is.
  5. With movies, you are always in search is a good story, one that everyone will relate to and love. I love finding those stories and creating a visual world to tell the story.
  6. In the animation world, people who understand pencils and paper usually aren't computer people, and the computer people usually aren't the artistic people, so they always stand on opposite sides of the line.
  7. It just seems like the whole, overall animation world is trying to go where maybe animation doesn't belong.
  8. It's whatever sells; it's the business of it.