Best Quotes by Abigail Adams (Top 10)

  1. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation.
  2. Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.
  3. Well, knowledge is a fine thing, and mother Eve thought so; but she smarted so severely for hers, that most of her daughters have been afraid of it since.
  4. These are the times in which a genius would wish to live. It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. Great necessities call out great virtues. When a mind is raised, and animated by scenes that engage the heart, then those qualities which would otherwise lay dormant, wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman.
  5. I hate to complainNo one is without difficulties, whether in high or low life, and every person knows best where their own shoe pinches.
  6. I've always felt that a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic.
  7. We have too many high-sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them.
  8. Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.
  9. To be good, and do good, is the whole duty of man comprised in a few words.
  10. If we mean to have Heroes, Statesmen and Philosophers, we should have learned women. The world perhaps would laugh at me, and accuse me of vanity, but you I know have a mind too enlarged and liberal to disregard the Sentiment. If much depends as is allowed upon the early Education of youth and the first principals which are instill'd take the deepest root, great benefit must arise from literary accomplishments in women.

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