Best Quotes by Ansel Adams (Top 10)

  1. When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.
  2. You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.
  3. You don't take a photograph, you make it.
  4. No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.
  5. A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed.
  6. There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.
  7. It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.
  8. Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter.
  9. There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.
  10. Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.

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