Best Quotes by Billy Collins (Top 10)

  1. A motto I've adopted is, if at first you don't succeed, hide all evidence that you ever tried.
  2. The mind can be trained to relieve itself on paper.
  3. But tonight, the lion of contentment has placed a warm heavy paw on my chest.
  4. But tomorrow, dawn will come the way I picture her, barefoot and disheveled, standing outside my window in one of the fragile cotton dresses of the poor. She will look in at me with her thin arms extended, offering a handful of birdsong and a small cup of light.
  5. You come by your style by learning what to leave out. At first you tend to overwrite—embellishment instead of insight. You either continue to write puerile bilge, or you change. In the process of simplifying oneself, one often discovers the thing called voice.
  6. All they want to do is tie the poem to a chair with a rope and torture a confession out of it. They begin beating it with a hose to find out what it really means.
  7. A sentence starts out like a lone traveler heading into a blizzard at midnight, tilting into the wind, one arm shielding his face, the tails of his thin coat flapping behind him.
  8. Nationalism is a type of insanity in which the boundaries of a land replace God.
  9. While the novelist is banging on his typewriter, the poet is watching a fly in the windowpane.
  10. …balancing the wish to be lost with the need to be found.

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