Best Quotes by Bobby Orr (Top 7)

  1. Forget about style; worry about results.
  2. There are no environments where you're only going to win, because life just isn't like that.
  3. Developing better people should be the number one goal for any coach when dealing with kids. In trying to develop better people, we are going to develop more and better pros.
  4. The kids wait for it to be organized. They want to go play all of these tournaments, for a little practice time. I learned my skills by dropping the puck just with the kids. I think that's missing today.
  5. Staying out of the penalty box will really help.
  6. The fat lady hasn't sung yet. We'll wait until we get a look at what is in the motion passed on third reading.
  7. Hockey is a tough game. With all the talk and everything that's going on right now, it frightens me a little bit that we are giving our players an excuse not to hit. I just hope that we don't take that out of our game at the pro level.