Best Quotes by Craig Thompson (Top 10)

  1. How satisfying it is to leave a mark on a blank surface. To make a map of my movement - no matter how temporary.
  2. You have so many layers, that you can peel away a few, and everyone's so shocked or impressed that you're baring your soul, while to you it's nothing, because you know you've twenty more layers to go.
  3. Maybe I'm sad about wanting you. I'm not too comfortable with wanting someone.
  4. Even a mistake is better than nothing.
  5. Sometimes, upon waking, the residual dream can be more appealing that reality, and one is reluctant to give it up. For a while, you feel like a ghost — Not fully materialized, and unable to manipulate your surroundings. Or else, it is the dream that haunts you. You wait with the promise of the next dream.
  6. Shame is always easier to handle if you have someone to share it with.
  7. and yet I feel that the most real home I'll ever have is the space where our roads merged and traveled along together... for a time.
  8. You're more than a story.
  9. I wanted a heaven. And I grew up striving for that world— an eternal world- that would wash away my temporary misery.
  10. On my first visit to the public library, I was like a kid at a candy store where all the candy was free. I gorged myself until my tummy ached.

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