Best Quotes by Hugh Hefner (Top 8)

  1. Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream.
  2. In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined a sweeter life.
  3. It's perfectly clear to me that religion is a myth. It's something we have invented to explain the inexplicable. My religion and the spiritual side of my life come from a sense of connection to the humankind and nature on this planet and in the universe. I am in overwhelming awe of it all: It is so fantastic, so complex, so beyond comprehension. What does it all mean — if it has any meaning at all? But how can it all exist if it doesn't have some kind of meaning? I think anyone who suggests that they have the answer is motivated by the need to invent answers, because we have no such answers.
  4. The interesting thing is how one guy, through living out his own fantasies, is living out the fantasies of so many other people.
  5. I have about 100 pairs of pajamas. I like to see people dressed comfortably.
  6. The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex.
  7. Picasso had his pink period and his blue period. I am in my blonde period right now.
  8. Playboy isn't like the downscale, male bonding, beer-swilling phenomena that is being promoted now by (some men's magazines). My whole notion was the romantic connection between male and female.