Best Quotes by John Banville (Top 8)

  1. The past beats inside me like a second heart.
  2. We carry the dead with us only until we die too, and then it is we who are borne along for a little while, and then our bearers in their turn drop, and so on into the unimaginable generations.
  3. Happiness was different in childhood. It was so much then a matter simply of accumulation, of taking things - new experiences, new emotions - and applying them like so many polished tiles to what would someday be the marvellously finished pavilion of the self.
  4. All my life I have lied. I lied to escape, I lied to be loved, I lied for placement and power; I lied to lie. It was a way of living; lies are life's almost-anagram.
  5. In order really to write one has to sink deep into the self and become lost there.
  6. There are times, they occur with increasing frequency nowadays, when I seem to know nothing, when everything I know seems to have fallen out of my mind like a shower of rain, and I am gripped for a moment in paralysed dismay, waiting for it all to come back but with no certainty that it will.
  7. Given the world that he created, it would be an impiety against God to believe in him.
  8. To take possession of a city of which you are not a native you must first fall in love there.