Best Quotes by Leo Buscaglia (Top 10)

  1. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
  2. A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself — to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart
  3. Relish love in your old age! Aged love is like aged wine; it becomes more satisfying, more refreshing, more valuable, more appreciated and more intoxicating!
  4. Change is the end result of all true learning. Change involves three things: First, a dissatisfaction with self - a felt void or need; second, a decision to change to fill the void or need; and third, a conscious dedication to the process of growth and change - the willful act of making the change, doing something.
  5. The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.
  6. A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.
  7. Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.
  8. Don't hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.
  9. Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.
  10. Each of our acts makes a statement as to our purpose.