Best Quotes by Margaret Laurence (Top 10)

  1. When I say work I only mean writing. Everything else is just odd jobs.
  2. What goes on inside isn't ever the same as what goes on outside.
  3. In some families, please is described as the magic word. In our house, however, it was sorry.
  4. Holidays are enticing only for the first week or so. After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do.
  5. Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are also unique and irreplaceable, as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world.
  6. I can't change what's happened to me in my life, or make what's not occurred take place. But I can't say I like it, or accept it, or believe it's for the best. I don't and never shall, not even if I'm damned for it.
  7. Bless me or not, Lord, just as You please, for I'll not beg.
  8. Women, as well as men, in all ages and in all places, have danced on the earth, danced the life dance, danced joy, danced grief, danced despair, and danced hope. Literally and metaphorically, by their very lives.
  9. Privacy is a privilege not granted to the aged or the young.
  10. Follow your heart, and you perish.

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